Community Engagement
Blog One - Madeline Hulme: Task One
Hi Madeline,
The structure and language used in this blog make it both engaging and easy to follow. Your explanations of how iMovie operates offers clear insight into the general purpose of the technology. To enhance your blog, you could make more explicit links to how iMovie would foster creativity with reference to scholarship that defines the concept. You identify that the application can encourage creative thinking outside of the Science and Technology syllabus but an example with the specific learning context would offer the reader a clearer picture of how iMovie is promoting creativity. This is such an interesting blog post and I really enjoyed it!
Thank you,
Blog Two:
Hi Iris,
I really enjoyed your post’s deep exploration of the process of design thinking with reference to literature. You also break down your example to show how you followed the stages of design thinking, which strengthens your post. I would love to see a stronger focus on how a specific technology promotes creativity and how you define creativity in education. This would extend your discussion of how design thinking promotes creativity and learning to address the technological focus of this unit!
Thank you,
Blog Three:
Hi Jeremy,
Your blog post offers valuable insights about the functionality of stop-motion technologies and incorporates two quality work samples! I like your use of subheadings to enhance the clarity of your writing and I think your post flows logically between arguments. I found the second paragraph to be a little unclear, but I think this is likely just a grammatically flaw with the series of clauses in that sentence. Overall, this post sparks creative ideas about incorporating stop-motion in the classroom in novel and exciting ways.
Thank you,
Blog Four:
Hi Charlotte,
Your blog post explores a valuable augmented reality technology and offers great examples of how it could be employed in a specific lesson using the syllabus. Your language is clear and professional and your post follows a logical progression. You could consider using one or multiple academic definitions of creativity to frame your exploration and more explicitly discuss what kind of creativity the technology promotes and how. This is a really interesting post that provokes thought about the pedagogical implications and learning potential of augmented reality technologies.
Thank you,
Blog Five:
Hi Giselle,
I really enjoyed reading your post as it incorporated interesting visual elements to support your clear and logically formatted discussion of virtual reality’s potential in the classroom. Your discussion about subverting student expectations is interesting and made me consider the value of creating novel or shocking experiences to increase engagement with a lesson. I think you could strengthen your post by incorporating more pedagogical implications and limitations (e.g. the financial accessibility of vr head-sets or how you will manage 30 students with only 1-2 devices). Furthermore, a closer link to scholarship about creativity could develop your argument about how this technology contributes to the creative thinking process.
Thank you,
Blog Six:
Hi Ashleigh,
Your post effectively uses constructivism to frame the creative potential of micro:bits, especially in a stage three classroom. The language is clear and concise, and your post follows a logical discussion. I really enjoy your design example and I think you did well to acknowledge the pedagogical complications with complex tasks like coding and offer an enabling alternative for students who find that component too challenging. To strengthen your discussion, you could consider synthesising the findings of a wider range of scholars; however, given the tight word-count this is difficult! Overall, your blog post has definitely inspired me to consider how constructivist approaches to learning can benefit students’ creativity and the benefits of using technologies like the micro:bit to do this.
Thank you,